All About Murph

Crossfit Hero Murph

To Honor fallen solder Michael Murph our CrossFit box, like many other boxes, did Hero WOD Murph. It is a long workout of 1 mile Run, 100 Pull Ups, 200 Push Ups, 300 Air Squats and another 1 mile run to finish.

I had no idea what to expect. I have never done these numbers before. In fact, I cannot even do 5 to 10 pushups or pull-ups. In light of that for me, this workout would be modified and be a sample of what the true work would be if fallowed to its true form. The Air Squats and run where going to be the rest period for me.

I like many broke the movements up into bite-size pieces of 5 pull-ups, 10 pushups, and 15 squats. Doing this proved to make this workout something I could accomplish.

The toughest part was the pushups. I used a band to help with the pull-ups and doing 5 was just enough for me. The air squats proved to be my strong point providing enough recovery to do more sets of pull-ups and pushups.

I was able to come in with a 7: 43-mile time. I was not overly winded and could start right away with the movements. Having 20 rounds made the workout drawn out longer than planned. I think next time I would like to break the workout into 10 rounds.

I am not sure what the pace of my last mile was but I finished up in 52:39. I feel like for me this was a big hurdle and accomplishment. But I have such a long road to travel.

Doing this workout out gave me greater insight as to the work and speed the athletes in the Crossfit Games move at. This workout is extremely humbling. I am grateful for Michael Murph and the many other fallen soldiers that give us our freedoms we have each day.

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